Eucerin products and their ingredients

Extensive research and passion for skin are the foundation of Eucerin’s high quality products. Naturally, Eucerin experts take great care on choosing ingredients for all products and limit the number. Nevertheless, in case of intolerance or allergies, it may be helpful to check for certain ingredients in our Ingredients Database.

Key Ingredient

Benefit function

AHA, stands for alpha-hydroxy acid. At Eucerin, we use the AHA Glycolic acid, which is derived from sugar cane. This peeling acid has a very small molecular size, makes skin smoother, more even and opens pores, Without compromising on barrier structures of the skin. 

It promotes exfoliation by reducing cell adhesion in the epidermis and increasing cell turnover. Furthermore it increases biosynthetic capacity of collagen and builds support structure in the dermal matrix to reduce wrinkles and fine lines.

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